The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
Recent Publications
Focused-beam X-ray fluorescence and diffraction microtomographies for mineralogical and chemical characterization of unsectioned extraterrestrial samples
Equation of state and structural evolution of manganese dolomite (kutnohorite) under high pressures
Liangxu Xu, Weibin Gui, Kewei Shen, Dongzhou Zhang, Jingui Xu, Jin Liu; Equation of state and structural evolution of manganese dolomite (kutnohorite) under high pressures. American Mineralogist 2024;; 109 (3): 449–456.
U and Th zonation in apatite observed by synchrotron X–ray fluorescence tomography and implications for the (U–Th)/He system
Francis J. Sousa, Stephen E. Cox, E. Troy Rasbury, Sidney R. Hemming, Antonio Lanzirotti, and Matthew Newville, ” U and Th zonation in apatite observed by synchrotron X–ray fluorescence tomography and implications for the (U–Th)/He system”, (2024), Geochronology, online
High P‐T Sound Velocities of Amphiboles: Implications for Low‐Velocity Anomalies in Metasomatized Upper Mantle
Zhou, Wen‐Yi & Hao, Ming & Zhang, Dongzhou & Dera, Przemyslaw & Charin, Soisiri & Zhang, Jin. (2024). High P‐T Sound Velocities of Amphiboles: Implications for Low‐Velocity Anomalies in Metasomatized Upper Mantle. Geophysical Research Letters. 51. 10.1029/2023GL106583.
Stabilization of Pr4+ in Silicates─High-Pressure Synthesis of PrSi3O8 and Pr2Si7O18
Niko T. Flosbach, Maxim Bykov, Elena Bykova, Bertold Rasche, Mohamed Mezouar, Timofey Fedotenko, Stella Chariton, Vitali B. Prakapenka, and Mathias S. Wickleder, Inorganic Chemistry Article ASAPDOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03948
Uranyl uptake into metal–organic frameworks: a detailed X-ray structural analysis
Matthew P. Heaney, Hannah M. Johnson, Julia G. Knapp, Shinhyo Bang, Soenke Seifert, Natalie S. Yaw, Jiahong Li, Omar K. Farha, Qiang Zhang and Liane M. Moreau, “Uranyl uptake into metal–organic frameworks: a detailed X-ray structural analysis”, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 5495