User Group Committee
SEES is a community-facing organization with a mission to provide synchrotron beamline resources to the community of Earth and Environmental scientists. The SEES User Group (SUG) is composed of scientists and students who conduct or collaborate on experiments at SEES facilities and/or have an interest in EES research using light sources or related user facilities.
The SEES User Group Committee (SUC) is elected from the membership of the SUG. As an independent body, the SUC is charged with providing objective advice and recommendations to the SEES Executive Committee concerning all issues affecting the user community. It also assists in developing scientific directions for the organization and with crafting the program of an annual or biennial meeting. A set of by-laws defines the membership, responsibilities, and structure of the SEES User Group Committee. This includes the criteria for membership; qualifications, term of service, and selection procedures for the executive committee; committee and subcommittee duties; and mechanisms for adopting and amending the by-laws.
Current Members of the User Group Committee

Maryjo Brounce
User Group Committee Representative
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Riverside
[email protected]

Bin Chen
User Group Committee Representative
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
[email protected]

Wenli Bi
Department of Physics
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
[email protected]

Martin Kunz
Advanced Light Source
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
[email protected]

Dan (Sang-Heon) Shim
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
[email protected]

Jin Zhang
Department of Geology and Geophysics
Texas A&M University
[email protected]

Wen-lu Zhu
Department of Geology
University of Maryland
[email protected]

Claire Zurkowski
Equilibrium Physics at Extreme Conditions (EPEC)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
[email protected]