Staff Outreach

SEES Town Hall at AGU
SEES Principal Investigator Andy Campbell and members of the Executive Committee shared updates from SEES-supported beamlines at a town hall event at the American Geophysical Union's annual conference in Washington, DC.

SEES Booth at AGU Conference
SEES will have an exhibition booth at the AGU conference in Washington, DC. If you are planning to attend, please stop by Booth #146 to say hello and grab some SEES swag. For a list of presentations featuring SEES staff as authors/co-authors, please see the schedule here: SEES@AGU

SEES Town Hall 2024
SEES Town Hall on FAIR Data Sharing Policies and Updates on APS and ALS upgradesDate & TimeWednesday Nov 6, 2024 at 3 PM CST At this Town Hall, SEES presented and discussed the results of a survey conducted by the SEES User Group on FAIR data sharing and invited further discussion of the policies SEES should adopt for FAIR data sharing of beamline data. SEES also gave status updates on the APS upgrade and what is...

SEES Booth at GSA Conference
SEES had an exhibition booth at the GSA conference in Anaheim this year. Joanne Stubbs (Beamline Scientist and Facility Director at APS) stopped by to say hello to Andy Campbell and Emily Padston from the Central Office. Joanne also co-chaired a session with Athena Chen (ORNL) and Cara Santelli (UMN) on "Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Applications in Earth and Environmental Science." Pictured below are the speakers from...

South Side Science Festival 2024
GSE scientists Tim Officer and Stella Chariton get ready for the South Side Science Festival, Oct 5th

Mark Rivers at the APS All-Hands Meeting
GSE scientist Mark Rivers presented Beamline Commissioning at Sector 13 at the APS All-Hands Meeting.

Matt Newville Speaks at IIT
GSE scientist Matt Newville spoke at IIT concerning X-ray Microprobe Opportunities at APS.

SEES Booth at Goldschmidt Conference
SEES will have an exhibition booth at the Goldschmidt conference in Chicago this year. If you are planning to attend, please stop by Booth #20 to meet the Central Office team and grab some SEES-branded swag. For a list of SEES-related presentations, please see the schedule here: SEES@Goldschmidt

Data and Metadata Formats for XAFS
Matt Newville, GSE scientist, presented “Data and Metadata Formats for XAFS” at Q2XAFS2024.

2nd HP Single XL Diffraction Summer School
GSE scientist Stella Chariton presented at the 2nd HP Single XL Diffraction Summer School. 2nd High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Summer School