The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
Recent Publications
Extending carbon chemistry at high-pressure by synthesis of CaC2 and Ca3C7 with deprotonated polyacene- and para-poly(indenoindene)-like nanoribbons
Khandarkhaeva, S., Fedotenko, T., Aslandukova, A. et al. Extending carbon chemistry at high-pressure by synthesis of CaC2 and Ca3C7 with...
Pressure-induced phase transitions in Ni-bearing ferrosilite (Ni-En31Fs65)
Xu, Jingui, Fan, Dawei, Zhang, Dongzhou, Li, Bo, Zhou, Wenge and Dera, Przemyslaw. “Pressure-induced phase transitions in Ni-bearing ferrosilite (Ni-En31Fs65)” American Mineralogist, vol. 109, no. 4, 2024, pp. 729-737.
Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state
Tahar Hammouda, Paul Frossard, Maud Boyet, Audrey Bouvier, Matthew Newville, Antonio Lanzirotti, “Mapping the redox state of the young Solar System using ytterbium valence state”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 372, 2024, Pages 124-133, ISSN 0016-7037.
Synchrotron-based techniques for elemental analysis in soil-plant system under polluted environment
Kirichkov, Mikhail; Burachevskaya, Marina; Mandzhieva, Saglara; Minkina, Tatiana; Rajput, Vishnu D.; N, Synchrotron-based techniques for elemental analysis in soil-plant system under polluted environment. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science , Vol. 13 Issue 2, pp. 89-100, 2024
Thermoelastic Properties of Fe3+-Rich Jeffbenite and Application to Superdeep Diamond Barometry
Qin,F.,Wang,F.,Smyth,J.R.,Zhang,D.,Xu,J.,&Jacobsen,S.D.(2024).Thermoelastic properties of Fe3+- rich jeffbenite and application to super deep diamond barometry. Geophysical Research Letters,51,e2023GL106908.
Robust magnetism and crystal structure in Dirac semimetal EuMnBi2 under high pressure
Greeshma C Jose, Weiwei Xie, Barbara Lavina, Jiyong Zhao, Esen E Alp, Dongzhou Zhang and Wenli Bi, “Robust magnetism and crystal structure in Dirac semimetal EuMnBi2 under high pressure”, 2024 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 36 255802, DOI 10.1088/1361-648X/ad3473