News and Announcements

SEES Booth at GSA Conference
SEES had an exhibition booth at the GSA conference in Anaheim this year. Joanne Stubbs (Beamline Scientist and Facility Director at APS) stopped by to say hello to Andy Campbell and Emily Padston from the Central Office. Joanne also co-chaired a session with Athena Chen (ORNL) and Cara Santelli (UMN) on "Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Applications in Earth and Environmental Science." Pictured below are the speakers from...

Research at GSE after APS-U featured in ANL Highlight
A new era of research comes into focus as the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade nears completion, GSE scientists anticipate the experimental possibilities.

Matt Newville Speaks at IIT
GSE scientist Matt Newville spoke at IIT concerning X-ray Microprobe Opportunities at APS.

“P”ushing It All the Way at XFM
The first real test of P K-edge XANES, the VERY BOTTOM of their energy range (2.1 keV)!

XFM welcomes new beamline scientist
XFM at NSLS II / BNL welcomes new beamline scientist Roberto Colina-Ruiz.

APS 6BM achieved first light coming out of the recent APS Upgrade.
Haiyan Chen opens the shutter as 6BM beamline / APS achieved first light coming out of the recent APS Upgrade.

SEES Booth at Goldschmidt Conference
SEES will have an exhibition booth at the Goldschmidt conference in Chicago this year. If you are planning to attend, please stop by Booth #20 to meet the Central Office team and grab some SEES-branded swag. For a list of SEES-related presentations, please see the schedule here: SEES@Goldschmidt

AGU 2024
GSECARS is organizing an exciting session at the AGU 2024 Fall Meeting in Washington DC, “MR001 – Advanced Experimental, Computational and Analytical Approaches in Exploring Deep Planetary Interiors“. This session welcomes all contributions that highlight cutting-edge developments in static and dynamic experimental techniques as well as innovative computational and analytical approaches that address a variety of...

GSE 13BM 1st Light
Congratulations! GSECARS BM beamline achieved 1st light on July 22nd.

Matt Whitaker Leads Tour at NSLS-II Summer Sunday
Matt Whitaker served as a tour leader and presented the XPD Beamline and MAXPD endstation at NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Lab.