The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
Recent Publications
Study of ablation and shock generation across three orders of magnitude of laser intensity with 100 ps laser pulses
S. E. Parsons, M. R. Armstrong, H. J. Lee, A. E. Gleason, A. F. Goncharov, J. Belof, V. Prakapenka, E. Granados, F. N. Beg, H. B. Radousky; Appl. Phys. Lett. 14 October 2024; 125 (16): 164104.
Experimental investigation of the influence of drainage condition on change in saturation of sheared sand
MohammedElnur and Khalid A.Alshibli, “Experimental investigation of the influence of drainage condition on change in saturation of sheared sand”, (2024) Géotechnique 00:0,1-57
Stability and physical properties of brucite at high pressures and temperatures: Implication for Earth’s deep water cycle
Ningyu Sun, Xinyang Li, Luo Li, Qingchun Zhang, Yingxin Yu, Zhu Mao, Cijin Zhou, Dongzhou Zhang, Geoscience Frontiers, 2024, 101940, ISSN 1674-9871,
Microscopic insights into thermal cycling effects in granular materials via X-ray microtomography
Pan, Y., Seo, D., Rivers, M. et al. Microscopic insights into thermal cycling effects in granular materials via X-ray microtomography. Granular Matter 26, 98 (2024).
Phase transition kinetics of superionic H2O ice phases revealed by Megahertz X-ray free-electron laser-heating experiments
Husband, R.J., Liermann, H.P., McHardy, J.D. et al. Phase transition kinetics of superionic H2O ice phases revealed by Megahertz X-ray free-electron laser-heating experiments. Nat Commun 15, 8256 (2024).
Measurement bias in self-heating x-ray free electron laser experiments from diffraction studies of phase transformation in titanium
O. B. Ball, R. J. Husband, J. D. McHardy, M. I. McMahon, C. Strohm, Z. Konôpková, K. Appel, V. Cerantola, A. L. Coleman, H. Cynn, A. Dwivedi, A. F....
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Latest Happenings

High Pressure Synthesis Using the PE Cell at GSECARS 13IDC
GSE scientist Tony Yu hosted students from Hanyang University and Pusan National University researching “High Pressure Synthesis Using the PE Cell”.

High Pressure Synthesis Using the PE Cell at GSECARS 13IDC
GSE scientist Tony Yu hosted students from Hanyang University and Pusan National University researching “High Pressure Synthesis Using the PE Cell”.

From Structure to Dynamics: High P Crystallographic Research at GSECARS 13 BMC
GSE scientist Dongzhou Zhang gave an invited talk to the Chemistry Dept at Michigan State, “From Structure to Dynamics: High P Crystallographic Research at GSECARS 13 BMC”.

From Structure to Dynamics: High P Crystallographic Research at GSECARS 13 BMC
GSE scientist Dongzhou Zhang gave an invited talk to the Chemistry Dept at Michigan State, “From Structure to Dynamics: High P Crystallographic Research at GSECARS 13 BMC”.