NSLS II XFM Beamline

Laboratory experiments with an Mn-rich paddy soil explore the impacts of Mn on biogeochemical processes controlling As solubility as shown through  µXRF mapping.

APS 13-IDE GSECARS, Microprobe

13 IDE x-ray microprobe experiment table for microfocused XRF, XAFS, and XRD analysis.

APS, Scanning Electron Microscope Image GSECARS, SEM

Scanning electron photomicrograph of fragments of CR2 chondrite LAP 02342. From Lanzirotti et al. 2024. 

NSLS-II FIS beamline

Synchrotron infrared data shows that the Earth’s mantle can store water 400 to 650 km below the Earth’s surface.

The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).

Recent Publications

Graphene Activated Magnesium Diboride for Moderate Pressure and Temperature Hydrogenation to Magnesium Borohydride

Godwin Severa, Lei Wang, Stephen Kim, Noemi Leick, Colleen Kelly, Cody Sugai, Jonathan L. Snider, Andrew G. Norman, Przemyslaw Dera, Isabella Kotsol, Thomas Gennett, Vitalie Stavila, and Craig M. Jensen, Graphene Activated Magnesium Diboride for Moderate Pressure and Temperature Hydrogenation to Magnesium Borohydride, ACS Applied Energy Materials 2025 8 (2), 853-860 DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.4c02302

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Synthesis and Stability of High-Energy-Density Niobium Nitrides under High-Pressure Conditions

Huawei Chen, Maxim Bykov, Iskander G. Batyrev, Lukas Brüning, Elena Bykova, Mohammad F. Mahmood, Stella Chariton, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Timofey Fedotenko, Konstantin Glazyrin, Mohamed Mezouar, Gaston Garbarino, Andrew Steele, and Alexander F. Goncharov, Synthesis and Stability of High-Energy-Density Niobium Nitrides under High-Pressure Conditions, Inorganic Chemistry Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c03331

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