The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
Recent Publications
Viscosity Measurements at High Pressures: A Critical Appraisal of Corrections to Stokes’ Law
Ashley, A. W., Mookherjee, M., Xu, M., Yu, T., Manthilake, G., & Wang, Y. (2024). Viscosity measurements at high pressures: A critical appraisal of corrections to Stokes’ Law. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028489.
Reassessment of Birch’s Law on hcp-Fe From Ultrasonic Sound Velocity Measurement and Implications on the Velocity Profiles of Earth’s Inner Core
Wang, S., Chen, S., Qi, X., Xu, M., Yu, T., Wang, Y., & Li, B. (2024). Reassessment of Birch’s law on hcp-Fe from ultrasonic sound velocity measurement and implications on the velocity profiles of Earth’s inner core. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027979.
Single-crystal X-ray diffraction on the structure of (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite in the lower mantle
Suyu Fu, Stella Chariton, Yanyao Zhang, Takuo Okuchi, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Jung-Fu Lin; Single-crystal X-ray diffraction on the structure of (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite in the lower mantle. American Mineralogist 2024;; 109 (5): 872–881.
In situ X-ray and IR probes relevant to Earth science at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Kunz, M., Armstrong, K., Barnard, H. et al. In situ X-ray and IR probes relevant to Earth science at the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berkeley...
Composition and metabolism of microbial communities in soil pores
Li, Z., Kravchenko, A.N., Cupples, A. et al. Composition and metabolism of microbial communities in soil pores. Nat Commun 15, 3578 (2024).
Fast Seismic Anomalies Under Continents Explained by the Delaminated Lower Continental Crust—Implications From High Pressure-Temperature Elasticity of Jadeite
Hao, M., Zhou, W.Y., Dera, P., Schmandt, B., Zhang, D., & Zhang, J. S. (2024). Fast seismic anomalies under continents explained by the delaminated lower continental crust—Implications from high pressure-temperature elasticity of jadeite. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL104797.