The mission of SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) is to advance research and education in synchrotron-based Earth and environmental science to better understand our planet from the atmosphere to the core, to address societally relevant problems, and to train the next generation of scientists. SEES is responsible for the management, operation, and development of multiple user facilities hosted at four DOE-operated US synchrotrons: Advanced Photon Source (APS), Advanced Light Source (ALS), National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II), and Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL).
Recent Publications
Synthesis, Optical Spectroscopy, and Laser and Biomedical Imaging Application Potential of 2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium Tetrachloroferrate and Its Derivatives
Pradip K. Bhowmik, David King, Si L. Chen, Ronald Carlo G. Principe, Haesook Han, Egor Evlyukhin, Petrika Cifligu, Ahamed Jubair, Vladimir Kartazaev, Swapan K. Gayen, Shane T. Killarney, Julia D. Caci, and Kris C. Wood, Synthesis, Optical Spectroscopy, and Laser and Biomedical Imaging Application Potential of 2,4,6-Triphenylpyrylium Tetrachloroferrate and Its Derivatives, The Journal of Physical […]
Structure, Bonding, and Vibrational Dynamics of a Triamine High Energy Density Material under Pressure
Zachary L. Whipple, Roma R. Ripani, Janki Brahmbhatt, Muhtar Ahart, Nilesh P. Salke, Yue Meng, Zhenxian Liu, Stella Chariton, Stephen A. Gramsch, Santanu Chaudhuri, Emmanuele Parisi, Roberto Centore, and Russell J. Hemley, “Structure, Bonding, and Vibrational Dynamics of a Triamine High Energy Density Material under Pressure”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C Article ASAP. DOI: […]
Dynamic Surface Incorporation of Pb2+ Ions at the Actively Dissolving Calcite (104) Surface
Bektur Abdilla, Sang Soo Lee, Paul Fenter, and Neil C. Sturchio, Dynamic Surface Incorporation of Pb2+ Ions at the Actively Dissolving Calcite (104) Surface, (2024), Environmental Science & Technology Article ASAP
Structure and transport properties of FeS at planetary core conditions
E. Edmund, T. Bi, Z.M. Geballe, K. Brugman, J.-F. Lin, S. Chariton, V.B. Prakapenka, J. Minár, R.E. Cohen, A.F. Goncharov, Structure and transport properties of FeS at planetary core conditions, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 646, 2024, 118959, ISSN 0012-821X
Above-Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity and Giant Second Harmonic Generation in 1D vdW NbOI3
Y. Fang, Y. Liu, N. Yang, G. Wang, W. He, X. Zhou, S. Xia, D. Wang, J. Fu, J. Wang, Y. Ding, T. Yu, C. Xu, L. Zhen, J. Lin, G. Gou, Y. Li, F. Huang, Above-Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity and Giant Second Harmonic Generation in 1D vdW NbOI3. Adv. Mater. 2024, 2407249.
Thermoelastic Anomaly of Iron Carbonitride Across the Spin Transition and Implications for Planetary Cores
Huang, S., Wu, X., Chariton, S., Prakapenka, V., Qin, S., & Chen, B. (2024). Thermoelastic anomaly of iron carbonitride across the spin transition and implications for planetary cores. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL108973.
Science Highlights
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Latest Happenings

Data Formats for XAS Data: progress toward better, larger, XAS Database
Matthew Newville gave a keynote talk at the ESRF User Meeting, Grenoble, France, Feb 8, 2024 and also gave a hybrid presentation at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for the DAPHNE4NDFI Project, Karlsruhe, Germany Feb 14, 2024

Using Synchrotron X-rays for Geology and More
Matthew Newville gave a talk at Lawrence University Physics seminar, Appleton, WI Feb 1, 2024

Pressure induced phase transition in organic inorganic hybrid perovskites at GSECARS Raman Lab
GSECARS welcomed students from Pusan National University & Hanyang University to work with GSE scientist Young Jay Ryu on “Pressure induced phase transition in organic inorganic hybrid perovskites” in the GSE Raman Lab.

Pressure induced phase transition in organic inorganic hybrid perovskites at GSECARS Raman Lab
GSECARS welcomed students from Pusan National University & Hanyang University to work with GSE scientist Young Jay Ryu on “Pressure induced phase transition in organic inorganic hybrid perovskites” in the GSE Raman Lab.