News and Announcements

2025 SEES-ISRD Joint Meeting
Held jointly at the University of Chicago on August 11-13, 2025. Keynote speakers will discuss topics in rock and mineral deformation and rheological properties in Earth, and there will be a poster session with a broad scientific focus.

Upcoming workshop on soft and tender STXM and nanoprobe techniques
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming 1-day workshop at Goldschmidt 2025. This one-day workshop will highlight soft and tender X-ray STXM and nanoprobe beamlines supported by SEES at ALS and SSRL: ALS Soft X-ray scanning transmission X-ray microscopy ALS Coherent Scattering and Microscopy (COSMIC)imaging ALS Molecular Environmental Science Scanning Transmission SSRL 14-3b: Tender X-ray...

SCCM 2025 Abstract Submission
We are excited to see the Static, Dynamic, and Shock high-pressure communities merge their sciences this year at the SCCM 2025: 24th International Conference on the Science of Compression in Condensed Matter (Washington DC, June 22-27). We highly encourage your participation in this unique event and look forward to receiving your abstract contributions in one of the sessions or masterclasses that we organize: 1b -...

Abstract Submission Open for Goldschmidt 2025
We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to our SEES organized session (09f) at Goldschmidt 2025. In this session, we will explore the application of micro- and nanoscale imaging and spectroscopic techniques such as confocal Raman microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and synchrotron-based methods to study complex biogeochemical processes, microbial interactions, and mineral weathering. The submission...

GSE staff install 13 BMD mirror
GSECARS staff install the 13 BMD mirror which will allow vertical focusing of the beam for the tomography and DAC programs.

SEES Town Hall at AGU
SEES Principal Investigator Andy Campbell and members of the Executive Committee shared updates from SEES-supported beamlines at a town hall event at the American Geophysical Union's annual conference in Washington, DC.

SEES Booth at AGU Conference
SEES will have an exhibition booth at the AGU conference in Washington, DC. If you are planning to attend, please stop by Booth #146 to say hello and grab some SEES swag. For a list of presentations featuring SEES staff as authors/co-authors, please see the schedule here: SEES@AGU

SEES Town Hall 2024
SEES Town Hall on FAIR Data Sharing Policies and Updates on APS and ALS upgradesDate & TimeWednesday Nov 6, 2024 at 3 PM CST At this Town Hall, SEES presented and discussed the results of a survey conducted by the SEES User Group on FAIR data sharing and invited further discussion of the policies SEES should adopt for FAIR data sharing of beamline data. SEES also gave status updates on the APS upgrade and what is...

Andy Campbell talks at “New Opportunities and Developments in SEES”.

Young scientists attend the 3rd South Science Festival
Children of GSE scientists, Vida and Peter, had a blast learning about science at the South Science Festival, which hosted over 4,500 local attendees.