Job Opportunities

Tenure Track Position in Geomechanics

The Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah invites applications for an open-rank faculty position (Assistant/Associate/Full Professor) in the area geomechanics, with emphasis on rock and fracture mechanics, fracture networks, and/or fracture...

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Senior Staff Associate I

The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications for a Senior Staff Associate I within the Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics department. The Senior Staff Associate I will be responsible for managing the Rock and Ice Mechanics Lab,...

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Geologist, USGS

USAJOBS - Job Announcement More detailed job description and application found on job link Duties Utilize professional knowledge of the principles and theories of geology and related sciences, with an emphasis on mineralogy and geochemistry in the characterization of...

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SOEST Postdoctoral Researcher (GSECARS)

We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral scholar working on the experimental determination of atomic dynamics and isotope fractionation at mantle conditions, and structure and properties of planetary materials under extreme conditions. The position will be...

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ERC-funded Ph.D. position

The ERC project LECOR aims to refine compositional models of the Earth’s inner core, particularly the nature of its light elements. The candidate will conduct experiments to determine the elastic and plastic properties of various iron-bearing alloys and compounds at...

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