POST DOCTORAL SCHOLAR, The University of Chicago (GSECARS)
Job Opportunities Archived
January 18, 2024
The Center for Advanced Radiation Sources (CARS) of the University of Chicago has a Post Doctoral Scholar (PDS) position available at the GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) synchrotron research facility at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), located at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), near Chicago, Illinois. This is a full-time position, for which a Ph.D. in geology, physics, or a related field and synchrotron research experience is required. This position will require the candidate to conduct systematic experimental studies on structure and physical properties of geofluids (aqueous fluids, supercritical fluids, anhydrous and hydrous melts) under high pressure and temperature using both the multi-anvil apparatus and the Paris-Edinburgh (PE) cell. The successful candidate for this position will (1) conduct research on structure of geofluids at high pressures and temperatures using the PE cell; (2) conduct research on viscosity of geofluids in the multi-anvil apparatus; (3) develop new techniques for measuring viscosity of geofluids in a PE cell with diamond windows ; (4) provide support for users from the earth and environmental science community using GSECARS beamlines; and (5) participate in core and collaborative research. The PDS will be involved in developing new techniques for collection and analysis of synchrotron data. The successful candidate must possess excellent relevant computer skills, organizational skills, verbal and written communication skills, ability to satisfy requirements for access to ANL, and ability to work as a team player as well as independently. This PDS appointment is for an initial one-year term, renewable annually for a total of three years.  Interested candidates should send a cover letter, cv, list of publications, statement of research interests, and contact information for three professional references via email to: Dr. Yanbin Wang ([email protected]) with a copy to [email protected].  This opportunity will be closed when the position is filled.


The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity/Disabled/Veterans and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a disability, military or veteran status, genetic information, or other protected classes under the law. For additional information please see the University’s Notice of Nondiscrimination.


We seek a diverse pool of applicants who wish to join an academic community that places the highest value on rigorous inquiry and encourages a diversity of perspectives, experiences, groups of individuals, and ideas to inform and stimulate intellectual challenge, engagement, and exchange.