This page gives status information on the SEES beamlines at the APS during the APS Upgrade. We intend to make periodic updates here, but there will be many developments in 2023 and 2024, and some of this information may become out-of-date within a few months. We will try to keep the information here as accurate as we can.
This page was last updated on 6-Dec-2023.
The Advanced Photon Source (APS) is currently undergoing a major upgrade (APS-U) that will dramatically enhance the brightness and coherence of the X-ray source. This upgrade is well underway, with most of the new magnets installed and the commissioning of the new storage ring projected to start in early 2024. You can read more about APS-U at
Return to User Operations
This is based on current information from the APS, we anticipate the following tentative schedule for SEES-supported beamlines:
- Summer 2024: commissioning of beamline optics and components, beamline control hardware and software, and experimental end-station instrumentation. Some initial experiments may be possible, but reliable scheduling of visiting users may be challenging.
- Fall 2024 – Winter 2025: Gradual return to user operations as individual beamlines and techniques become ready. This will start with a reduced number of relatively straightforward experiments, during which we’ll learn together about the new source and upgraded beamlines.
Storage ring status
Disclaimer: this is our latest understanding. If you see or hear other information from the APS, that may be more accurate than what we have here.
The APS upgrade is a complex project. There are a lot of pieces that need to work together, and the timeline for return to general user operations will vary from beamline to beamline:
- Winter/early spring 2024: APS-U Storage ring commissioning, starting with 25 mA stored beam. This will be to get the accelerator working, and not delivering X-rays to the beamlines.
- Late spring/early summer 2024: Radiation safety shielding verification for the beamlines (hutches, shutters, and transport).
- Summer 2024: Continued commissioning of the storage ring and start of commissioning of beamline optics and components (some new, some upgraded, some repositioned), beamline control hardware and software, and experimental end-station instrumentation.
- Throughout 2024-2025 – Phased ramp up of storage ring current from 25 to 200 mA, resulting in a increase in X-ray flux.
Beamline 6-BM status
- Aligning beamline components to the new source.
Beamline 13 overall status
- Upgrading network infrastructure
- Upgrading the beamline control systems to replace VME crates with Galil Ethernet motion controllers and Measurement Computing devices for analog I/O, digital I/O and counter/timers.
- Enhancing software for data collection and analysis
- Upgrading DAC optical systems in 13-ID-D, 13-BM-C/D stations, and off-line labs
- Upgrading gas-loading system
Beamline 13-BM status
- Moving the bending magnet beamlines to their new locations (shifted and rotated slightly towards the center of the storage ring), modifying components as needed to make this possible
- Upgrading the 13-BM-D X-ray focusing mirror to leverage the new, brighter source
Beamline 13-ID status
- Upgrading or replacing most X-ray optics including focusing mirrors and monochromators to leverage the new, brighter source
- Replacing the experimental table for the diamond anvil cell program in 13-ID-D
- Upgrading the diffractometer in 13-ID-C
- Realigning the undulator beamlines to the new source
Beamlines 3-ID and 30-ID status
- Aligning beamline components to the new source.
- Moving the Fe nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) experimental station from the 3ID-B station to the 3ID-C station, separating the high-energy resolution optics thus improving the energy stability.
- Commissioned a new K-B mirror system at 3ID-C with an X-ray focusing of 1 micron.
- Installing new optics at 3-ID to allow Fe-57 Mossbauer Microbeam Spectroscopy in energy domain.
- Implemented an online Ruby system at Sector 30 for high pressure study of the 119Sn NRS program.
- Developing full-beam focusing optics with 1 micron focusing capability at Sector 30.